Aerial Yoga Hammock - Yellow

incl. e-book "Aerial Yoga Basics" by Yogalaxy founder Janika
Regular price109,90 €
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Aerial Yoga Hammock in Top Quality

Welcome to Yogalaxy! You have found the perfect Aerial Yoga hammock. Whether you're a beginner or a professional, rely on our expertise and deluxe materials at fair prices. We have been teaching Aerial Yoga for over 10 years and know exactly what matters:

  • Tear-resistant nylon of the highest quality for optimal safety
  • Perfect size of 4 x 2.80 m – ideal for all Aerial Yoga exercises and ceiling heights up to 3.50 m
  • Silky soft, grippy material with a slight sheen
  • Stretchable in width, stable in the hanging direction
  • SGS certified, durable, and free from harmful substances
  • Load capacity of up to 500 kg, suitable for up to two people
  • Suitable for 1- or 2-point suspensions
  • High-quality accessory materials
  • Includes video instructions for easy installation

The yellow Aerial Yoga hammock adds a radiant, life-affirming energy to your yoga practice. Shades of yellow are generally associated with the solar plexus chakra (Manipura Chakra). The third chakra is located in the area of the navel and represents self-confidence, power, and joy of life. The solar plexus chakra plays a crucial role as it fosters the connection to your self-esteem and inner strength. With the yellow yoga hammock, you can immerse yourself in the dynamic energy of this vibrant color and experience a yoga practice that strengthens your self-confidence and unfolds your zest for life.

Limited quantity: Secure your yoga hammock now before it sells out.

Are you wondering which accessories you need? Here are our tips:

Yoga hammock + 2x tie loops + 2x extensions + 2x carabiners
With this set you get everything you need for a fully equipped aerial yoga set-up (including instructions). Use the tying loops to tie the ends of the cloth. You hang the extensions on the ceiling hooks. You hang the hammock on the extensions with the carabiners. This way you can quickly adjust the height of your aerial yoga hammock. Perfect for all room heights up to 3.50 m.

Yoga hammock + 2x tie loops
This mini set is ideal for tying the hammock with the tie loops and hanging it directly on the ceiling hooks. Perfect if your ceilings are no higher than 2.70 m, and you have installed open ceiling hooks.

Only the yoga hammock
Perfect if you already have the accessories. Designed for those who already have an aerial yoga set-up and want a new color.

Please note that the ceiling hooks are not included in the delivery. Since there is no universal "one-fits-all" solution for ceiling mounting, we recommend getting the appropriate ceiling hooks (2 pieces) from a specialist in a hardware store. You can get so-called swing or hammock hooks along with the appropriate dowels there for just a few euros

Tying your aerial yoga hammock is quick and easy. For detailed step-by-step instructions, click here to learn how to have your sling up and running in no time.

You can easily clean the original Yogalaxy® Aerial Yoga hammock in the washing machine at a maximum of 30°C. Simply follow the washing instructions below to keep your towel fresh, hygienic and long-lasting at all times - for a permanently pleasant aerial yoga experience.

Cheap aerial yoga hammocks may seem tempting, but the quality often suffers. Cheap materials can tear quickly, provide insufficient support, cut painfully into the body tissue and make your training unsafe.

Aerial yoga teacher tip from the heart: Please, please invest in a high-quality aerial yoga hammock, after all, you're putting your life in it. Believe us, you'll have much more fun with a high-quality aerial yoga hammock!
We have been using our hammocks in our studio for years. They are highly functional, safe and durable. Our participants and customers confirm the great quality time and time again.

Would you like to order several aerial yoga hammocks? Then take advantage of our attractive volume discounts.

Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
Elisabeth Hövener
Super Tücher und super Kundendienst

Alles passt und der Kundendienst ist sehr entgegenkommen und freundlich

Leon Hoffmann
Kundenservice der überzeugt

Die kostenlose telefonische Beratung war super hilfreich. Ich habe mich dadurch sicherer gefühlt, und das Tuch übertrifft meine Erwartungen. Es ist einfach perfekt für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene.

Josephine Weiß
Super vorallem im Set

Das Zubehörmaterial im Set war klasse! Alles dabei, was man braucht, und die Qualität des Tuchs überzeugt auf ganzer Linie.

Heike Bach
Zweckentfremdung möglich

Ich habe das Tuch für meine Kinder gekauft, und sie lieben es. Es ist unglaublich reißfest und sicher, sodass ich mir keine Sorgen machen muss, wenn sie sich darin austoben. Die fröhliche Farbe macht sich ausgezeichnet im Kinderzimmer.

Paula Schreiber

Der seidige Stoff hat einen ganz tollen Glanz. Ich fühle mich im gelben Tuch wie in der Sonne gelandet.

Nora Simon
Sehr happy über diese Anschaffung

Mit einer Belastbarkeit von bis zu 500 kg ist dieses Tuch perfekt für Paarübungen oder einfach zum chillen! Ich habe es schon mit meiner besten Freundin ausprobiert, und es hat uns beiden super gehalten. Einfach toll!

Katrin Fuchs
Geliefert und los gehts

Einfache Anbringung, tolle Qulität und Optik, ihr habt eine glückliche Kundin mehr. :-)

Tobias Braun
Eine 10 von 10

Sehr zufrieden, kostenloser Versand, top Qualität und ein rundum gut durchdachtes und gelungenes Produkt. Man merkt klar, dass hier Profis am Werk sind.

Marlene Weiß
Safety first

Ich bin total begeistert von diesem Aerial Yoga Tuch! Das reißfeste Nylon gibt mir ein sicheres Gefühl, auch mit leichter Höhenangst. :-) Ich kann mich ganz entspannen und die Schwebemomente genießen!

Kira Haasbach
Meine Kids lieben es

Ich habe das Tuch für meine Kinder gekauft und sie sind begeistert! Es ist sicher und belastbar. Die kostenlose Beratung war auch super hilfreich!

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Logo Soulsister mit Yogalaxys ovale Yogamatte
Bild berichtet über die ovale Yogamatte von Yogalaxy

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Janika und das Team von Yogalaxy
who we are

Hello, I'm Janika, the founder of Yogalaxy. I have been teaching yoga and aerial yoga for over 10 years. I love helping people live happier, more beautiful and more fulfilling lives through yoga. Yogalaxy supports me in finding your way to your yoga lifestyle with yogic furnishings.

Mantra & Mission

What motivates us

Health, happiness, joy and freedom are the values ​​that move us at Yogalaxy® and that we want to bring into the world. That is why we love and live the mantra Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. It means, "May all living beings be happy and free."

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